
Kamis, 10 September 2009 | 0 komentar

• Short term wish
1.) Have a good mark
2.) Have an achievement
3.) Get pass soon with the good result

• Mid term wish
After I have graduated, I wish that I could get a job soon. In this case, I will not seek for that job but that job will seek for me. I really want to be an educator who has high social spirit, has willingness to work hard and being professional in the field that I will teach to.
Why did not I have a dream to be an entrepreneur? It is because that I am not good at it. Besides, I am eager to be a person who could be advantageous for others by teaching and practicing something that I have got before.
Salary…..I do not really think about how much salary that I will get. Why? Because before my students understand about what I teached, I will never think about the amount of my salary.
After everything goes well, I wish I could get my soul mate who could be a good leader for me and also for our family later. Someone who will always support and give his affection for me.
I think that Allah has already granted my wish and pray. If it is true, I will keep on my principle that I will get marry after I graduate and get a job that suits on me.

• Long term wish
1.) Being eased in every single matter
2.) Always be health
3.) Have a long life, thus I could maximize my time to be the truly advantageous person.
4.) Happy and get success in the afterworld
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